STEAM Stickers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics)


72 vibrant stickers to colour your world

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72 vibrant stickers to colour your world

72 vibrant stickers to colour your world

Each pack of our STEAM Stickers contain 6 designs based on some of our favourite Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians, as well as image details of things they have built, been a part of or discovered. There are 72 stickers in total per pack. Each sticker is 4 cm in diameter and bursting with bright colours. Use these stickers as gifts, decorations, teachable moments with children and friends, shout outs on cards you give or leave them as guerrilla gifts to be found in libraries, galleries, trains or restaurants.

In this pack you will find the following STEAM industry people:

Grace Hopper- Computer pioneer. Her credits include being involved in the creation of UNIVAC (the first fully electronic digital computer). She invented the first program that could translate the written instruction into code that computers could read. This work also lead her to co-create COBOL one of the first computer languages.

Leonardo da Vinci- Artist and engineer. His credits include the paintings The Mona Lisa and The Last Super. He has been credited for conceptionally inventing the parachute, the use of solar power, helicopters and calculators.

Albert Einstein- Physicist. He has been credited for developing the theory of relativity, for discovering the law of photoelectric effect (a major step in the development of quantum theory) and wrote what is considered to be the world’s most famous equation, E=mc².

Madame Curie- Physicist and Chemist. She has been credited with discovering two elements in the Periodic Table, Polonium and Radium, which was a huge contribution to finding treatments for cancer. She also developed mobile X-rays to help in World War 1 filed hospitals and is the only person to have ever won a Nobel Prize in two scientific fields.

Elon Musk- Engineer. He and his companies have been credited with the invention of Tesla electronic cars, solar power systems, PayPal and the proposed Hyperloop (a new mode of transport that is more environmental friendly and will greatly reduce travel time)

Katherine Johnson- Mathematician. She was credited with calculating flight trajectories, by hand for NASA that were critical to the first and subsequent American spaceflights. She also worked on the Space Shuttle and the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (now known as Landsat). Before technology existed as it does today, Johnson was known as a computer.

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